"By the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit" (CCC 1285).
We are very excited that you or your child are interested in receiving the sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady of Guadalupe!
On this page, you can find more information about what Confirmation is and the process to receive the sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
If you are an adult who would like to receive the sacrament, please call the Parish Office at 562-691-0533 for more information.
Confirmation is a beautiful sacrament of initiation which is "necessary for the completion of baptismal grace" and fully initiates the individual into the Catholic Church.
"By the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit." (CCC 1285)
At Pentecost, "The apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim the 'mighty works of God'" (CCC 1287).
"From that time on the apostles, in fulfillment of Christ's will, imparted to the newly baptized by the laying on of hands the gift of the Spirit that completes the grace of Baptism...The imposition of hands is rightly recognized by the Catholic tradition as the origin of the sacrament of Confirmation, which in a certain way perpetuates the grace of Pentecost in the Church" (CCC 1288).
Strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the faithful become more perfectly conformed to Christ, and are more fully equipped to "spread and defend the faith by word and deed" (CCC 1285).
At Our Lady of Guadalupe, those in the Confirmation preparation program are normally in high school. The high school Confirmation preparation program is a 2-year process. More information about this process can be found below.
If you are an adult who would like to receive the sacrament, please call the Parish Office at 562-691-0533 for more information.
If you are under the age of 18 and have not yet been baptized and/or have not yet received first Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office at (562) 691-0533 for more information on next steps for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, in addition to Baptism and first Holy Communion.
Registration for Confirmation
Registration for all sacrament preparation for the 2024-25 year is open now! The deadline to register is August 30, 2024.
Visit the Parish Office anytime Monday – Friday, 9am – 5:30pm to register.
Please bring your child’s Baptismal certificate and First Holy Communion certificate and be prepared to fill out a few forms.
Registration fees for 2024-25:
First Communion Year 1: $175
First Communion Year 2: $175
Confirmation Year 1: $300
Confirmation Year 2: $400
Preparation for Confirmation
The following is information about preparation for Confirmation for those who have already been baptized and received first Holy Communion and are in grades 9-12.
At Our Lady of Guadalupe, Confirmation preparation is a 2-year process. We use a program called Pathways for all of our sacrament preparation for those under the age of 18.
Pathways is a program focused on the formation of the entire family. To honor the parents' role in their children's lives, we want to ensure that parents are included in the formation of their children.
As such, parents and children will both attend sessions during sacrament preparation.
During the first year of Confirmation preparation, there will be a parent session each time that there is a session for the teens. During the second year, there will still be some parent sessions but not each time that the teens have sessions.
Parent sessions and children sessions will be held concurrently in separate rooms, and both groups will come together in prayer at the end of the session.
The program also includes mini-retreats that both the children and parents attend, one weekend retreat for the teens, and weekly attendance at Sunday Mass.
We will invite all parents to meet with someone on our faith formation team throughout the course of the year so that we can get to know one another better!
The Day of the Confirmation
For those that are in high school and have already been baptized and received first Holy Communion, confirmation will take place at a Sunday Mass during the month of May or June, depending upon the availability of the Bishop.
In advance of the Confirmation Mass, we will have a rehearsal for all who will be confirmed and their sponsors. During this time, we will go over all that will occur during the Mass.
Information about attire for those receiving the Sacrament can be found below.
Mass Attire for Confirmation:
Certificates and Records
All certificates will be ready for pick up within 6 weeks of the Mass, along with the photos from the Confirmation Mass. We will contact all parents once the certificates and photos are ready for pick up.
For those with multiple children receiving different sacraments in the same year, all certificates will be ready for pick up on the same day.
We will keep records of the Confirmation in our parish record books.
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