Rev. Msgr. Justin MacCarthy

Pastor Emeritus
Served as Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe for 35 years.

About Msgr. Justin MacCarthy

Msgr. MacCarthy was ordained on June 14, 1964 and on Friday, June 14th, 2024, he celebrated 60 years of service to God and His people.

On the morning of January 2nd, Msgr. MacCarthy passed away in the comfort of his home, having been fortified by the sacraments of the Church. Thank you to all of you who prayed for Msgr. MacCarthy in his final days on earth. Let us continue to pray for him, that he may enter fully into that eternal rest promised by Christ to the faithful.

We are all the beneficiaries of his many years of faithful service to our Diocese of Orange and our local parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He was truly a good shepherd who cared for his flock.

Our long time parishioners at OLG have many edifying stories of Monsignor MacCarthy's excellent leadership of this parish. In his more than three decades of service to our church, Monsignor MacCarthy was a truly good shepherd. May God reward him for his great work here, and give him the joy of knowing that he is both loved and cherished by so many of our parishioners.

Msgr. MacCarthy's Funeral Mass took place on Saturday, January 26 at 10:30am at Our Lady of Guadalupe. We are very grateful to all of you who joined us in honoring and praying for our Pastor Emeritus. Above all, I would like to express my gratitude to His Excellency, Bishop Kevin Vann, and His Excellency, Bishop Freyer, as well as to Fathers Sebastian, Sweeney, Shimotsu, Smith, Moneypenny, O’Gorman, and to all our priests who concelebrated the Funeral Mass.

Our sincerest thanks also to the family and friends of Msgr. MacCarthy, especially Frank and Niamh for representing his family in Ireland. Thank you to all the parishioners, and to our staff and volunteers, especially Kathy Garcia, Debbie Garcia, Lucinda Montgomery, Donna Cierley, and Lisa Naccarato.

To Scott Miller, in particular, for his love and care for Msgr. MacCarthy, we express our sincerest condolences and gratitude.

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